During the construction phase, Marex is committed to ensuring the quality and reliability of your marine installations through a series of rigorous controls and specialized assistance:

Document Review
Thorough verification of all technical documentation and plans before the commencement of work.

Material Receipt Inspection
Qualitative and quantitative verification of materials upon arrival on site.

Critical Lifting Operations Assistance
Technical support during the lifting operations of heavy equipment to ensure safety.

Supplier Quality Control
Inspection of equipment and materials at supplier facilities before shipment to ensure compliance.

Geometric Structure Inspection
Inspection of battening and sealing coatings before installing acrylic panels.

Hydrostatic Leak
Test Assistance
Assistance and advice for hydrostatic leak testing.

Storage Condition Monitoring
Thorough verification of all technical documentation and plans before the commencement of work.

Installation Supervision
Quality monitoring at each stage of installing acrylic panels and submerged equipment.

Final Inspection
and Repairs
Quality control of repairs and end-of-site reception conducted by our certified diver inspectors.